
Without warning, the OPUS was hit by yet another solar flare!

Though, fortunately, the ship survived without any damage, the impact caused quite a mess on board, with things scattered all over the place.Shaken by the sudden impact, Emeth and Lisa start cleaning the rooms.

However, they quickly begin to find things they’ve never seen…


Lisa: “Emeth! What’s that on the ground?”

Emeth: “Emeth will find out!”

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A document lies on the control room floor.

Emeth swipes it up for a closer look...



It appears these documents came with a machine of some sort. Not only that, they’re also covered in handwriting.


Manufacturer: Pan Galactic Robotics

Manufacture Date: Galactic Calendar 15998

Model: OP1414 Extravehicular Activity Robot

Operating Temperature: -273°c to 1000°c

Life Expectancy: 10000 Years

Purpose: Extravehicular operations in space and other extreme environments

Legal Owner: Lisa Adams

Project Earth Team


A note has been left on the back of the manual:

“Makoto will be so upset about this,
especially if he knew I installed a child-type AI on an EVA bot…
But the project needs a different perspective more than ever, and I don’t mind breaking a few Galactic laws to achieve that…”


Scribbled on the warranty card is another note:

“”Emeth” means “truth” in the ancient tongue of myths, and is often used to name magical beings made of earth. I hope you will lead us to the forgotten myths some day, Emeth.”


This is where Emeth got his name…

Lisa seems to have remembered something long forgotten, but she didn’t say a thing, and continued to work her way through the messy room.



Emeth: Now we’re in Makoto’s room!

Lisa: Where did that notebook come from? It looks pretty old.


There’s a notebook lying on Makoto’s bed.

Emeth picks it up for a closer look...



The heavy notebook seems to belong to Makoto.
Aside from the pages full of drawings and notes,
a photo can be found tucked in the back.


There’s also a note on the back of the photo:
“Words can’t describe how much I miss you, Ida.
If only I can return home now.”


Lisa quietly looks at the photo.

“Who’s Ida?” Emeth asks.

“Oh, it’s not important. We really should get back to work, you know.”

Lisa hastily opens the data center as she dodges Emeth’s question.



Emeth: “...What’s that flashing thing over there?”

Lisa: “Makoto’s laptop? Why is it suddenly turned on?”

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A laptop that clearly hasn’t seen much use in a while,
but is now displaying a password field on its screen.


A stream of indecipherable gibberish scrolls across the screen, followed by a message:

“This program is implemented as a fallback for delays in the project.
Execute if necessary.”

Lisa: “What is that supposed to mean?
I can’t run anything, though. Did Makoto encrypt it?”


As the two struggle to figure out the message,they notice a short note at the bottom:

The person I wish to see when I return home.”

3 characters in lower case